Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods

TOP CANCER CAUSING FOODS The food that you choose to put into your body each day can have a big impact in not only how you feel but also how your body functions. An anti-cancer diet doesn’t really differ much from what you should eat on a daily basis, but there are plenty of benefits to focusing on vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and herbs 1.Beans Beans contain beneficial phytochemicals and fiber and they are able to prevent cancer cell reproduction, slow down the division of cancer cells and slow the growth of tumors. Phytic acid, folate, protease inhibitors, and saponins are just some of the beneficial properties of beans. 2 .Dark Seed Oil Your invulnerable framework will be reinforced when you take dark seed oil. It is additionally successful against growth cells and studies have demonstrated that it will murder off more than 80% of destructive cells. 3. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks roaming oxygen molecules, known as free radicals,...