10 foods that are high in Vitamin A

10 foods that are high in Vitamin A VitaminA is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in maintaining vision, body growth, immune function and reproductive health. Vitamin A is a vitamin and antioxidant that’s associated with healthy eyes. A diet rich in Vitamin A can prevent nighttime blindness, eye inflammation, and dry eyes. It’s also used to treat several other health conditions Carrots When most people think of Vitamin A and eye health, they think of carrots. It’s true that eating plenty of carrots can improve your vision. One medium carrot accounts for over 200% of the average person’s Vitamin A needs for the day. They’re also a great source of Vitamins C, K, and B, plus magnesium and fiber. MustardGreens Mustard greens are widely consumed in Northern India. We know these spicy and crunchy flavored green leaves by the name of ‘sarsoo ka saag’. In some parts, this is also referred as leaf mustard. It contains the maximum nutrition compared to any othe...