Health Benefits of Sesame seeds

Health Benefits of Sesame seeds
In addition to their culinary uses, these seeds possess nutritive, preventive, and curative properties, which render them usable in traditional medicines. Sesame seed oil is a rich source of phytonutrients such as omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. These seeds, thus, offer a variety of benefits. The health benefits of sesame seeds include the following:
Blood Pressure
The natural oils of sesame seeds have been connected to a reduction in hypertension in a number of research studies, which reduces the strain on your cardiovascular system, and helps prevent various cardiac conditions.
Full of Great Protein
Sesame seeds are full of high quality protein. Protein makes up 20 percent of the seed with 4.7 grams of protein per ounce.
Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

Digestive Health
Sesame seeds support a healthy digestive system and colon as they are rich in fiber. This high fiber content helps in smooth functioning of the intestine, thus facilitating waste disposal and relieving constipation
Helps Prevent Diabetes
Sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium and many other nutrients with amazing health benefits which have been shown to help in the prevention of diabetes, or to help the improvement of plasma glucose in the case of hypersensitive diabetics.
Bone Health 
The impressive levels of essential minerals like zinc, calcium, and phosphorous that are found in sesame seeds can be a major boost for your body’s bone health. These minerals are integral parts in creating new bone matter, and strengthening/repairing bones that may be weakened by injury or the onset of debilitating bone conditions like osteoporosis.
Good for Oral Health
Oil pulling has been used for oral health for thousands of years in Ayurveda to reduce dental plaque, whiten your teeth, and boost overall health.
Health Benefits Of Sesame Feeds

Helps Lower Cholesterol
Sesame seeds lower the cholesterol levels in the blood because they contain phytosterols, which have been shown to block the cholesterol production in the body. This goes especially for black sesame seeds, which we are not used to seeing as much as white sesame seeds, but contain even higher levels of some nutrients.
Anti-Inflammatory Qualities:
The high content of copper in sesame seeds has a number of valuable functions, including the reduction of inflammation in the joints, bones, and muscles, thereby reducing the associated pain of arthritis.
Protection From Radiation Damage
Sesamol, found in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has been found to prevent the DNA from being damaged by radiation. It also prevents damage to the intestines and the spleen.
Cure Anemia
Sesame seeds, particularly the black ones, are rich in iron. Hence, they are highly recommended for those suffering from anemia and weakness


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