10 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys

10 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys perform important functions in the human body, which means that we should take good care of them

 Not Emptying Your Bladder Timely

Maintaining a full bladder for a long time or delaying the urge to urinate is one of the main reasons behind kidney damage.When urine remains in the bladder for a long time, it can cause the bacteria breeding in urine to multiply. In turn, these harmful bacteria can cause a urinary tract infection or kidney infection. Moreover, retaining urine increases pressure on the kidneys and can lead to renal failure and incontinence.

Drinking Excessive Alcohol

Drinking in moderation is fine, but excessive drinking can cause significant damage to your kidneys. Alcohol is a toxin that puts a lot of stress on your kidneys and liver.When you drink alcoholic beverages in high amounts, it causes uric acid to be deposited in renal tubules, leading to tubular obstruction. This in turn increases the risk of kidney failure. Moreover, alcohol causes dehydration and disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys.
Not drinking enough water 

Our kidneys need to get properly hydrated to perform their functions. If we don’t drink enough, the toxins can start accumulating in the blood, as there isn’t enough fluid to drain them through the kidneys. The National Kidney Foundation suggests drinking at least 12 glasses of water per day. An easy way to see if you’re drinking enough is to check the color of your urine.
Regular Use of Analgesics

Way too often we take medications too fast, in too big doses and not in the right way. When pain occurs, it’s so easy to just swallow the pill. But, you should think twice. All pharmaceutical drugs come with side effects, and many cause damage to the kidneys. Having said that, there are some drugs that you should be taking. See the next point.
Lack of Sleep
Numerous people ignore the importance of rest and sleep. However, a good night sleep of 6- 8 hours is essential for the body.

 Ignoring Common Infections

Ignoring common infections like colds, the flu, coughs, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others can also cause huge damage to your kidneys.
Delaying the Urge to Urinate
This is one of the most common causes of damage to the kidneys, as the urine remains in the bladder longer, as it supports the multiplication of bacteria in the urine.
Smoking Cigarettes
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is bad for almost every organ of the body, including the kidneys.

Consuming Too Much Sugar

Studies have shown that people who consume two or more sugary drinks a day are more likely to have protein in their urine. Protein in urine is an early sign that the kidneys are not doing their job properly.

High Salt Consumption
Salt is important for the body, but you should limit your intake. Over consumption can raise your blood pressure and put too much strain on the kidneys. No more than 5.8 grams of salt should be eaten daily, so take it easy with that salt shaker.


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