Origin of Kidney Disease And Kidney Failure And its Prevention

         Origin of Kidney Disease And Kidney Failure And its Prevention

Chronic kidney disease : 

Chronic kidney disease includes conditions that damage your kidneys and decrease the functionality of kidney in our body. If kidney gets damage the wastage build and it increases the high level of your blood slowly you will fall in sick. You need to develop the circumstance in your body like high blood pressure, anemia (low blood count), weak bones, poor nutritional health and nerve damage.If kidneys are damaged then slowly it damages the heart due to not purifying the blood properly in our body.These are the symptoms of kidney damage.

1. Diabetes
2. High blood pressure (hypertension)
3. Heart disease (heart)
4. kidney damage may occur through family members.

Kidney Disease :

Living a healthy life can prevent kidney damage.The blood pressure and diabetics are the main cause of kidney damage .The best way to prevent kidneys damage is to keep the blood pressure and diabetics must be in control level.

kidney Damage :

There are no any symptoms to find the kidney damage until it is badly damaged inside the body. You can identify by test by yourself.It is very simple by checking yourself but you should not do that and immediately consult the doctor.

Ask your doctor for the following tests for your kidney health:

Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate(EGFR):

The level of estimated glomerular filtration rate indicates the percentage purity of blood.Your body creates waste and it reaches to your blood. Healthy kidneys remove waste from your blood. This type of waste is called creatinine. If you have a lot of creatinine in your blood, it is the sign that your kidneys have filtering problem.

Urine Test : 

This test is done to see if there is blood or protein in your urine.But it should be in the blood, not the urine. Having protein in your urine may mean that your kidneys are not filtering your blood well enough. This can be a sign of early kidney disease. If your urine test is “positive” it means it is protein, the test should be repeated to confirm the results.

Blood Pressure :

Blood pressure test is used to test how the heart is purifying the blood in the body.High blood pressure and kidney disease are directly proportional.If high blood pressure increases kidneys may damage and if kidneys damage then high blood pressure increases a normal blood pressure is less than 120/80.

Precautions :
  1. Maintain sugar level in control
  2. Healthy blood pressure should be maintained
  3. Use less salt and avoid fat contain foods.
  4. Maintain your body weight
  5. Don't take alcohol and be far from Alcohol.
If kidney disease is detected early, you can prevent kidney failure. If your kidneys fail, you will have to undergo dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant to survive.


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