Cardiology Hospital In Bangalore

Cardilogy Hospital

MedsolHospital Bangalore is a multi-specialty heart hospital offering end-to-end heart care, cardiology treatment and cardiac surgery at Bangalore.The Department of Cardiology is managed by a team of highly qualified doctors and houses state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. We provide high quality cardiac care services at a reasonable cost. The department is fully-equipped to provide 24/7 services to address any kind of cardiac emergency.9


The Medsol Hospital brings the expertise of Cardiologists available round the clock. Our vision, supported by prompt critical care management, makes all the difference for thousands of lives a difference between life and death, between ability and disability. With this vision the hospital provides ultramodern Complete Cardiac Care under one roof through competent, dedicated and well-trained staff.

The cardiology department at MedsolSuperspecialty Hospitals provides comprehensive interventional cardiology services including endovascular and structural heart disease interventions. We are a dedicated, highly qualified team of professionals who believe and practice patient centered care. We are equipped with the state of the art cardiac catheterization laboratory, a dedicated cardiac ICU, cardiology wards, outpatient block and non-invasive cardiac testing laboratory. Our team comprises of senior interventional cardiologists, cardiology registrars, cardiac nurses and cardiology technicians who provide comprehensive solutions to cardiological problems.


  1. At Dana Shivam Heart & Superspeciality hospital, we provide the facility of cardiology care and cardio-surgery . Established this center as an advanced center of Radial Angiography & Radial Angioplasty. More than 80% cases were treated through radial route here.
    Cardiology Hospital in Jaipur

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  3. Thank you for sharing this valuable post. Keep sharing.
    Cardiologist in Jayanagar

    1. Thank you Prima for sharing this useful info.


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