10 Silent Signs You Might Have Diabetes

  10 Silent Signs You Might Have Diabetes

The most common signs and symptoms of diabetes are:

Unusualweight loss

This is more common among people with Diabetes Type 1. As your body is not making insulin it will seek out another energy source (the cells aren't getting glucose). Muscle tissue and fat will be broken down for energy. As Type 1 is of a more sudden onset and Type 2 is much more gradual, weight loss is more noticeable with Type 1.

You're taking more bathroom breaks

When you have diabetes, your body becomes less efficient at breaking food down into sugar, so you have more sugar sitting in your bloodstream. "Your body gets rid of it by flushing it out in the urine. That's why you're going to the bathroom a lot." Most patients aren't necessarily aware of how often they use the bathroom


You may feel fatigued. Many factors can contribute to this. They include dehydration from increased urination and your body's inability to function properly, since it's less able to use sugar for energy needs.

Blurred vision

Diabetes symptoms sometimes involve your vision. High levels of blood sugar pull fluid from your tissues, including the lenses of your eyes. This affects your ability to focus.
Left untreated, diabetes can cause new blood vessels to form in your retina — the back part of your eye — and damage established vessels. For most people, these early changes do not cause vision problems. However, if these changes progress undetected, they can lead to vision loss and blindness.

You're thirstier than usual

Urinating a lot will also make you feel parched. A common symptom Dobbins sees with patients is that they use drinks like juices, soda, or chocolate milk to quench their thirst. These sugary beverages then pack the bloodstream with excess sugar, which can lead to the problem all over again.

Tingling hands and feet

Excess sugar in your blood can lead to nerve damage. You may notice tingling and loss of sensation in your hands and feet, as well as burning pain in your arms, hands, legs and feet.

Your cuts and scrapes heal more slowly

The immune system and the processes that help the body heal don't work so well when your sugar levels are high

You're tired all the time

Of course you're exhausted every now and then. But ongoing fatigue is an important symptom to pay attention to; it might mean the food you're eating for energy isn't being broken down and used by cells as it's supposed to. "You're not getting the fuel your body needs,You're going to be tired and feel sluggish." But in many cases of type 2 diabetes, your sugar levels can be elevated for awhile, so these symptoms could come on slowly.


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