Regular Exercise That can Prevent Asthma

             Regular Exercise That can Prevent Asthma

Asthma :

          A respiratory condition marked by attacks of spasm in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It is usually connected to an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.
            It is difficult to say for sure what causes asthma. You are more likely to develop it if your family has a history relating to asthma, eczema or allergies. It is likely that this, combined with certain environmental factors, are causes for someone developing asthma.
         The causes of asthma are not exactly understood but some main reasons for causing asthma is a genetic predisposition with environmental exposure like dust particles, pollution that may cause the allergic reactions inside the lungs and some other problems such as :

  • Indoor allergens
  • Outdoor allergens
  • Chemical irritants in the workplace 
  • Air pollution

                  Once asthma attack can't be cured but by managing that can control the diseases an enable people to enjoy a quality life.
                  Short-term medications are used to relieve symptoms. People with persistent symptoms must take long-term medication daily to control the underlying inflammation and prevent symptoms and exacerbation.
                   Although asthma does not kill on the scale of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other chronic diseases, failure to use appropriate medications or to adhere to treatment can lead to death. How can physiotherapy help?
                 A physio can help you learn to manage the physical effects of your asthma and something really vital; how to breathe correctly! Simple changes to the way you breathe will help you feel more relaxed, in control and will prevent your asthma symptoms from worsening.

A physio can help by showing you ways to:
  • Do breathing Exercises regularly at home.
  • Work out an exercise plan according to you.
  • Do meditation that gives relaxation to breathe easily.   
  • A control cough.

 Breathing exercises to prevent asthma :

                         Exercises are a common trigger for asthma symptoms. Many people with asthma may experience difficulty in breathing and be plagued by coughing, wheezing, or chest tightness during or after exercise. However, most people with asthma can successfully participate in their exercise of choice with proper guidance and treatment.  
                   Yoga is one of the best ways to keep the body at effective and with their regular exercise it shows the result significantly in 10 weeks and also it improves the quality of quality score for women with to moderate asthma. Some other regular exercise that prevents all kind of diseases. 

Other potential physical activities for people with asthma include :

  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Hiking
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics 
Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, even for those with asthma. Aim to work out for about 30 minutes, four to five days a week. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle may negatively impact asthma. Therefore, exercise is an important part of a healthy treatment for asthma. 




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