Amazing Benefits of Vitamin K

                         Amazing  Benefits of Vitamin K

                     Vitamin K is an important nutrient that plays a role in everything from bone metabolism to blood clotting.

Vitamin k is divided  into two main types they are :
1.Vitamin K 1(phylloquinone)
2.Vitamin  K2 (menaquinone)

 Vitamin K1 is mostly present in leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 is rich in animal products like meat, egg, fish etc. Foods high in vitamin K2 include meat, dairy, and natto. Vitamin K2 is also produced by the beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiome.

Benefits of Vitamin K : 

Benefits of Vitamin K to Our Health : 

  1. Regulates Blood Clotting 
  2. Improves Bone Health 
  3. Enhance Insulin Sensitivity
  4. Supports Brain Function
  5. Fight Cancer
  6. Supports Healthy Heart
  7.  Reduces Menstrual pain & Heavy Bleeding

Regulates Blood Clotting : 

                        Vitamin K plays a major role in the formation of blood clots. It is an important process that helps to stop the excess of blood in injuries. It is one of the best nature present in vitamin K.                  

Improves Bone Health : 

                        Consuming Vitamin K Food in your daily life then it is a Key to maintain healthy bones why because it involves in the bone metabolism to increase the amount of required protein and Calcium to maintain healthy bones.

Enhance Insulin Sensitivity :

                    Insulin is the hormone, that transport sugar from the bloodstream to all the tissues where it can be used as energy. When you are in the diet, your body tries to produce more and more insulin to keep up, Unfortunately, sustaining high levels of insulin can lead to a condition called insulin resistance, which decreases its effectiveness and results in high blood sugar.

Supports Brain Function: 

                  Vitamin K helps in functioning the brain and also vitamin k Plays a major role in functioning the nervous system functions. It involves the metabolism of sphingolipids, a class of compounds found in brain cell membranes that control motor and cognitive behavior

Fights Against on Cancer:

                   Vitamin K helps in Killing the Cancer Cell sin Our Body because vitamin K contains top antioxidants, these fight against on cancer cells, which helps to prevent damage radicals from cancer and it may help to decrease high risk of cancer, making vitamin K foods some of the best cancer-fighting foods.

Supports Healthy Heart : 

                Vitamin K improves heart health by eating plenty of foods that ensure blood clotting and also other ways of health as well. By taking vitamin K foods that can help to prevent the progression to keep your heart healthy and strong.

Reduces Menstrual pain & Heavy Bleeding: 

                  vitamin K is found in green vegetables - can cause particularly heavy menstrual bleeding during menopause. Increasing vitamin K intake, therefore, has a reductive effect on heavy bleeding during irregular periods, and can minimize the appearance of clots in the menstrual blood.

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