Best Orthopedic Surgeon In Bangalore

Orthopedic Hospital
The Medsol Speciality Centres for Orthopedics are at the forefront in offering the latest in orthopedic treatments and surgical techniques. The centres perform surgical procedures which include the most current arthroscopic and reconstructive techniques – including major joint replacements including the Hip resurfacing and shoulder surgeries, arthroscopies, laminectomies, the most delicate hand surgeries and much more. The most advanced medical equipment and a team of highly experienced surgeons are supported by computer navigation and imaging equipment with robotically- assisted technology.
Orthopedicsurgeons operate on patients who are living with musculoskeletalproblems related to trauma, accidents, sports injuries, and various types of disorders. In addition to performing surgery, these specialists may perform physical examinations, review charts, and conduct follow-up visits. Surgeons are under great pressure in the operating room, and they must be able to remain calm and focused.
The team has expertise in accident and trauma care, fracture management, joint replacement for degenerative joint disease like arthritis, spine (neck and back problems), sports injuries and arthroscopy (key-hole surgery), limb deformity corrections & reconstruction. Our team is well supported by appropriate interventional radiologyand best in class neurosurgical, vascular and plastic surgicalcolleagues. We have every specialist required under one roof if the need arises.


  1. Medsol Hospital is one of the well known #hospital in Kengeri, #Bangalore. They have very experienced doctors in orthopedics field. One more best hospital in Bangalore is Fortis International Care Best Orthopedic Hospitals in Bangalore, India


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