Warning signs of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women. Lung cancer can be extremely serious and even fatal, but knowing the signs and symptoms is vital to catching it early enough to be treated. Treatment against the disease depends on the tumor’s size. Several options may be available such as surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Furthermore, here is the list of symptoms that may indicate lung cancer:
1. Persistent cough or changes in cough
Colds commonly last for a week or two. If your cold last longer than this, you must see your doctor. If you smoke or suffer from chronic cough, check if there are some changes in your cough.These changes include frequent coughing, deep coughing followed by deep or hoarse sound, coughing up blood, or more mucus than usual.
2.Difficulty breathing
Some people who suffer from lung cancer may have breathing difficulty and can quickly suffer from breathlessness. However, this does not mean that you have cancer, so it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately.
3.Chest Pain
Lung cancer can lead to pain in the chest, shoulders or back. Whether the pain is sharp and consistent or dull and off-and-on, be sure to tell your doctor right away. Chest pain can be indicative of many health problems, including lung cancer. Back, shoulder and neck pain can resemble a muscle pain and tension. If you constantly feel pain in your shoulders, back or abdomen, consult your doctor
This symptom occurs during exhalation when airways are restricted, which is typical of lung cancer development and inflammation. However, wheezing can also indicate less serious respiratory issues including inflamed sinuses or excess mucus production.
5.Raspy, Hoarse Voice
If you notice any persistent changes in your voice, especially hoarseness, it may be a sign that a tumour is affecting the function of your larynx.It’s a good idea to ask your doctor for a chest x-ray to find the cause of your condition, especially if your symptoms are accompanied by coughing up blood
6.Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
If you keep losing weight without any definitive cause, and if you just cannot imagine eating the foods that once used to be your favorite, it is more than important to discover the real cause of these changes.Some people lose their appetite and simply forget to eat, some feel full even after having small servings, and some suffer from nausea if they eat too much or eat too fast. If these symptoms were not present before, make sure you seek medical help.
Lung cancer can cause loss of appetite and weight loss due to various factors. If you need to make a great effort to breathe, you will probably experience significant changes in your appetite. Abdominal pain is associated with nausea, poor appetite and occurs when the cancer spreads to the liver.
7.Pain in the bones
Bone pain is one of the late symptoms of lung cancer. When the tumor spreads to other parts of the body it can lead to bone pain, swelling of bones and joints. In this situation, consult a doctor immediately.
8. Hand & Finger Pain
Fatigue and pain in fingers may be two early warning signs of lung cancer that tend to be overlooked. In the majority of cases, when the skin of the palms thickens and becomes white with pronounced folds
9.Mood Swings
Mood swings, episodes of anger and irritability, followed by exhaustion and even depression can become routine for those suffering from lung cancer. The situation could be most evident in a formerly easygoing person who suddenly seems to let everything irk them. However, given the nonspecific nature of this symptom, most patients (and even doctors) won’t immediately link it with lung cancer.These mood disturbances are most often associated with advanced-stage lung cancer, so they are unlikely to be the only detectable symptom.
Headaches may be a sign that lung cancer has spread to the brain. However, not all headaches are associated with brain metastases. Sometimes, a lung tumor may create pressure on the superior vena cava. This is the large vein that moves blood from the upper body to the heart. The pressure can also trigger headaches.

11.Frequent illness
Getting sick over and over again with colds, flu, bronchitis, or even pneumonia may make you wonder if your immune system is to blame. But another possible culprit for repeated illness is lung cancer. That’s especially true for women who smoke.


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